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Re: maildir structure and change dir

* M. Mueller <linux-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> [01-22-04 23:09]:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 10:42:08PM -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > * M. Mueller <linux-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> [01-22-04 22:35]:
> > > I am having some trouble with change directory.
> > 
> > Make sure that your 'Maildir' directories have the trailing slash '/'
> > in your .muttrc.  ie:
> > set folder=~/Maildir/
> > mailboxes=~/Maildir/mutt/
> > mailboxes=~/Maildir/suse.linux/
> That didn't work.  
> I found that xyg was not a well formed Maildir.
> There was no =xyg/cur, =xyg/new, and =xyg/tmp.  I created them and then
> I could not longer descend into xyg. Pressing 'c' and TAB always gets me
> to the ~Maildir/* list.
> Should folders to be subdirectories of what you
> enter for:
> set folder=~/whatever

> I am not able to navigate to =xyg/client or =xyg/product now I've made
> the change above.

Setup should be as I exampled above.

set folder=~/Maildir/
cur new and tmp are handled by mutt.

I have limited experience with Maildir.  I use mbox.  I have seen
references on this list about utilizing subdirectories w/Maildir but
have not done so myself.  

To access mailboxes not defined as mailboxes (mailboxes=xxx), use:
Patrick Shanahan                        Registered Linux User #207535
http://wahoo.no-ip.org                        @ http://counter.li.org