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Re: I DON'T have new mail

Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Todd <Freedom_Lover@xxxxxxxxx> [01-22-04 11:16]:
>> Patrick Shanahan wrote:
>>> At the top of ./config.log, generated each time you perform
>>> configure.
>> Shouldn't that be config.status?  That file states at the top:
> It also exists in config.status, but is much more difficult to see
> since it is down in the file rather than at the top.  config.log is
> IMNSHO the better option of the two.

Are we looking at different files or am I totally misunderstanding
what the OP was looking for?  (Either is certainly possible.)  Now I'm
mostly just curious since I might be able to learn some new tricks for
building software here.

I don't see how I could even get the options I passed to configure out
of the config.log I have from my last build of  Whereas in
config.status, the full command I passed to configure is listed right
at the top of the file, just 7 lines from the top.  The purpose of
config.status is stated in that file as "Run this file to recreate the
current configuration" which seems to be exactly what the OP wanted to

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors, and
    -- Lazarus Long, "Time Enough for Love"

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