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Re: browse imap, sent folder

Am 2004-01-05 18:34 +0100 schrieb Michael Tatge:

> > All right. Now, when sending mail du "blubbel" mutt asks me to create
> > "inbox.blubbel" which I allow for testing purpose and the sent mail is
> sure set record to anythink you like.
> set folder=imaps://user@xxxxxxxx

Damn I am puzzled now. I reported from my PC @work and this setup had
such behaviour. Is 


> set record=+send-mail

@home, works. In general I tried the same config as at work and mutt
is storing in $HOME/.maildir-sent as usual wtf? What could cause such
a misbehaviour in my muttrc @work. I have the urgent feeling I
carefully have to clean up my muttrc there :/

> set record=$HOME/.maildir-sent
> > I played with the record directive but no luck so far...
> What did you set it to, then?

Yes, I tried "record=$HOME/Mail" which would be old behaviour but mutt
did not use it... But as said, I will have to carefully look into my
muttrc @work.

Here at home it works like a charme. But when I add

mailboxes ~/.maildir-sent ~/.maildir 

The imap browsing has gone. Is that normal/intentional or could that
be misconfiguration also?

Regards, thanks for your help so far (hope there comes more :))


Konstantin Kletschke <konsti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <konsti@xxxxxxxxx>
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