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Re: FreeBSD + Procmail + Mutt + Fetchmail

On Fri, Dec 19, 2003 at 02:55:49AM -0600, Bryan Cassidy wrote:

> ##########              FetchMail               ##########
> macro index G "!fetchmail -a -m 'procmail -d %T'\r"
> macro pager G "!fetchmail -a -m 'procmail -d %T'\r"
> I try and run fetchmail -a -m "/usr/local/bin/procmail" and get the
> following
> > fetchmail -a -m "/usr/local/bin/procmail" 
> 1 message for bsdjunky at mail.bellsouth.net (747 octets).
> reading message bsdjunky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:1 of 1 (747 octets)
> procmail: Skipped "$MAILDIR=$HOME/Maildir"
>  flushed

Could you try and remove the above macro from .muttrc and then try
"fetchmail -av -m "/usr/local/bin/procmail -d %T" ?? Also, before you do
this, do a "cat /dev/null > .procmailog" and then see the output of
.procmailog after you're done checking mail.

Also, the mail you're receiving is From:bsdjunky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BUT
you've set your .procmail's ruleset as b_cassidy@ which should be "bsdjunky"

> On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 00:56:49 +0600
> Noir <acknak_halflife@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 12:42:14AM -0600, Bryan Cassidy wrote:
> > > i just made a simple .procmailrc to test things. it has
> > > MAILDIR=/usr/home/usrname/Maildir
> > 
> > or do this: "MAILDIR=$HOME/Maildir. Also, create a log file for
> > procmail which is handy in debugging purposes. Just add this line in
> > .procmailrc file: "LOGFILE=$HOME/.procmailog"
> > 
> > 
> > > :0: * ^From:.*user1@xxxxxxx* Bryan-Cassidy
> > 
> > or
> > 
> > :0:
> > 
> > * ^Fron:.*user1@xxxxxxx
> > bryan-cassidy
> > 
> > > I created a directory inside ~/Maildir/ called Bryan-Cassidy
> > 
> > Nopez. The folder will be created automatically.
> > 
> > > Inside my .muttrc file I have the following
> > > 
> > > set folder="~/Maildir" set mbox="~/Maildir" set mbox_type=Maildir
> > > set spoolfile="~/Maildir"
> > 
> > Using "set folder="/path/to/folder/" works fine for me. That is, w/o
> > setting mbox and mbox_type.
> > 
> > Also, add: "mailboxes =bryan-cassidy" & "subscribe bryan-cassidy"
> > somewhere in your .muttrc file.
> > 
> > In the above scenario you're subscribed to a group called "user1" and
> > all the mails from this group are filtered to a folder named
> > "bryan-cassidy".
> > 
> > > I want to subscribe to say list1, list2, and list3. Use Mutt for
> > > viewing these mailing lists that I'm subscribed to using
> > > user1@xxxxxxx and have groups called list1, list2 and list3 when I
> > > *FIRST* open mutt and when I go to say list2 I want the e-mails that
> > > are sent to list2 to be in that group. 
> > 
> > In your .muttrc file add this: "send-hook '~C list_name@xxxxxxxxxx'
> > "my_hdr From: your name <user1@xxxxxxx>"