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Re: FreeBSD + Procmail + Mutt + Fetchmail

I think im almost there. Soon as I get filters setup I'm going to use
Mutt for 100% e-mails on desktop. Love mutt alot. This is my setup as of



* ^From:.*b_cassidy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
* .*

Here is my .muttrc file

set folder=$HOME/Maildir

########## Headers ##########

my_hdr From: Bryan Cassidy <bsdjunky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
my_hdr Sender: bsdjunky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
set realname="Bryan Cassidy"
set use_from=yes
set from="Bryan Cassidy <bsdjunky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

set sort=threads
set signature="~/.signature"
set editor=vim
set ascii_chars=yes
set beep_new=yes
set use_domain=no
set user_agent=yes
set ispell=yes
set include=yes
set fast_reply=yes

##########      PGP Settings    ##########

##########              Mail Box Settings       ##########

mailboxes =bryan-cassidy

subscribe bryan-cassidy

##########              Print Settings          ##########

set print="yes"
set print_command="lp"

##########              POP3 Settings           ##########

##########              FetchMail               ##########

macro index G "!fetchmail -a -m 'procmail -d %T'\r"
macro pager G "!fetchmail -a -m 'procmail -d %T'\r"

color   hdrdefault      brightcyan      blue
color   header          brightwhite     blue "^from:"
color   header          brightwhite     blue   "^subject:"

color   quoted          brightgreen     blue
color   signature       brightwhite     blue

color   indicator       blue            green

color   error           red             black
mono    error           bold
color   status          black cyan
mono    status          bold
color   tree            yellow          blue

color   tilde           brightmagenta   blue
color   body    brightwhite             blue   
mono    body    bold                    "[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
color   body            brightyellow    black   "^Good signature"
mono    body            bold                    "^Good signature"
color   body            brightwhite     red     "^Bad signature from.*"
mono    body            bold                    "^Bad signature from.*"
color   normal          white           blue
color   message         green   black
color   attachment      brightgreen     blue

I try and run fetchmail -a -m "/usr/local/bin/procmail" and get the

> fetchmail -a -m "/usr/local/bin/procmail" 
1 message for bsdjunky at mail.bellsouth.net (747 octets).
reading message bsdjunky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:1 of 1 (747 octets)
procmail: Skipped "$MAILDIR=$HOME/Maildir"

>From the way it looks (not speaking technical) there is something
missing but I never use to get this message before so I think I'm
atleast on the right track just need a little extra assistance. If you
need any other information I will be glad to post it. BTW, I am running

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 00:56:49 +0600
Noir <acknak_halflife@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 12:42:14AM -0600, Bryan Cassidy wrote:
> > i just made a simple .procmailrc to test things. it has
> > MAILDIR=/usr/home/usrname/Maildir
> or do this: "MAILDIR=$HOME/Maildir. Also, create a log file for
> procmail which is handy in debugging purposes. Just add this line in
> .procmailrc file: "LOGFILE=$HOME/.procmailog"
> > :0: * ^From:.*user1@xxxxxxx* Bryan-Cassidy
> or
> :0:
> * ^Fron:.*user1@xxxxxxx
> bryan-cassidy
> > I created a directory inside ~/Maildir/ called Bryan-Cassidy
> Nopez. The folder will be created automatically.
> > Inside my .muttrc file I have the following
> > 
> > set folder="~/Maildir" set mbox="~/Maildir" set mbox_type=Maildir
> > set spoolfile="~/Maildir"
> Using "set folder="/path/to/folder/" works fine for me. That is, w/o
> setting mbox and mbox_type.
> Also, add: "mailboxes =bryan-cassidy" & "subscribe bryan-cassidy"
> somewhere in your .muttrc file.
> In the above scenario you're subscribed to a group called "user1" and
> all the mails from this group are filtered to a folder named
> "bryan-cassidy".
> > I want to subscribe to say list1, list2, and list3. Use Mutt for
> > viewing these mailing lists that I'm subscribed to using
> > user1@xxxxxxx and have groups called list1, list2 and list3 when I
> > *FIRST* open mutt and when I go to say list2 I want the e-mails that
> > are sent to list2 to be in that group. 
> In your .muttrc file add this: "send-hook '~C list_name@xxxxxxxxxx'
> "my_hdr From: your name <user1@xxxxxxx>"