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Re: can you use tag-prefix to save many messages to one folder?

On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 11:31:22PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> % _mostly_ ordinary keystrokes.  However, my save-message command is
> % accessed through a macro, which saves things to a ham folder for my
> % spam-learning script.  Perhaps this is the problem.
> Aha.  I vaguely recall some discussion of your macro, but I don't
> remember what it is (and am too lazy to go and look it up).

Not sure if it's on the list or not.  Anyway, it soon will be.

> % I'll try it with a non-macro version of save-message.  Hopefully that
> Do, indeed, and let us know.  Without knowing just what your macro does I
> can't say for sure, but you're probably doing something like piping all
> messages out to SA but then saving only one or some such.  You may need
> to write a second -- and fully tag-aware -- version for this case.

For reference, here are the macros and binding that I think are relevant:
macro index s "<copy-message>=ham\n<save-message>" 'save as ham (non-spam)'
macro index x "<save-message>=newspam\n" 'file away as spam'
bind index S save-message

I have a cron job that runs sa-learn on the ham and newspam folders.

Can you think of a way to make the 's' macro better tag-aware?  If
not, no big deal, since I already have 'S' as a fallback.  In fact, I
may just go ahead and make a macro that includes the tag-pattern and
then the prefixed save.

Thanks again for your help.. I feel kind of foolish, but I suppose it
often helps just to have another brain look at the situation. :^)


Allister MacLeod <amacleod@xxxxxxxx> | http://amacleod.is-a-geek.org/
 Elen síla lúmenn'omentielvo.