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Re: I want to strip SIGs from emails I read

* On 2003.12.10, in <20031210160052.GA22633@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
*       "Tom" <31210.nospam@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'd like to make a patch to mutt for myself to replace what mutt
> thinks is a signature with "[sig]" or something, both in the pager and
> in the editor.
> Where can I change mutt to do this? Or are there scripts I could run
> through procmail to eliminate SIGs?

Set a display_filter. This one strips well-formed signatures, leaving
list footers such as Mailman appends to all list messages:
  set display_filter="awk '/^-- ?$/{no=1;} /^___/{no=0;} no!=1 {print;}'"

This one cuts off everything from the signature down:
  set display_filter="sed -n -e '/^-- */q;p'"

You can test it on this message. :)

 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx
 University of Chicago > NSIT > VDN > ENSS > ENSA > You are here
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 always line up dots