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Location of CVS repo and Wiki (was: something about S/MIME)

On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 12:36:23AM +0100, Robert Joop wrote:
> yes, where is the cvs repository? :-)

There is an anonymous cvs at cvs.mutt.org, in the /home/roessler/cvs
path.  pw and username are both anonymous. 

> seriously, i can't find any pointer from www.mutt.org.

To Thomas, or anyone else responsible for mutt maintenance: would it
be possible to add a more direct link to the CVS from the www.mutt.org
site, or at least a more prominent link to the wiki?  Does this issue
merit a flea report?

(sorry for answering a side-question while ignoring the main question;
unfortunately I know little or nothing about S/MIME.)

Do svidanya,

Allister MacLeod <amacleod@xxxxxxxx> | http://amacleod.is-a-geek.org/
 Elen síla lúmenn'omentielvo.