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Re: Fetching entire message for index page

moseley@bumby:~$ mutt -v       
Mutt 1.5.4i (2003-03-19)

On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 01:18:18AM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Am 2003-11-14 06:31:37, schrieb moseley@xxxxxxxx:
> >I check headers in messages to see if my address is mentioned.  For
> >example:
> >
> >color index       yellow  black "~x hank\.org"   # References
> >color index       green black "~i hank\.org"     # Message ID
> >color index       blue  black "~h In-Reply-To:.*hank\.org
> >
> >The problem is I'm using imap over the network and those checks causes the
> >entire message to be fetched (which is a pain on a slow link with lots
> >of messages with large binary attachments).
> Are you sure ?
> If this is right I had to wait around 20 minutes today ;-))
> But the last 300 Messages are fetchet withing 60 seconds.
> I am using a colored index too... (maybe a little bit more 
> komplex to make all mails of my Threads visible)
> >Is it a limiation of imap that the entire message must be fetched?  
> Never is the whole mesage fetched...

Ok, I tried two different .muttrc with Ethereal.

One .muttrc had just one line:

    moseley@bumby:~$ cat .muttrc
    color index       blue  black "~h In-Reply-To:.*hank\.org"

The other .muttrc had that line commented out -- effectively a blank

I started mutt like:

   $ mutt -f imap://moseley@xxxxxxxx/IMAP.test

and only captured up to the display of the index.

The difference (by looking at ethereal) is that mutt makes an extra

   a0005 UID FETCH 6 BODY.PEEK[]

And the response is:

   * 1 FETCH (UID 6 BODY[] {3619527}

(these were hand copied - I can't figure out how to make
ethereal cut-n-paste just the text...)

And then the entire message is fetched.

Or another indication -- with the ~h check ethereal captured 3639 TCP
packetes, but without ~h (blank .muttrc) only 20 packets were captured.

Now, I don't know imap, but it looks like mutt is fetching the entire
message.  Is my ~h line entered incorrectly to cause mutt to fetch the
entire body?

Bill Moseley