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Re: GUI to share mailboxes with mutt

On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 11:03:40AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> % operating systems.  It's the consistency of the user's view that I'm
> % after.
> ... not only did you not ask for a consistent view ("share ... with
> mutt") but any imap client can access the emails in the same way that
> mutt does, so even outhouse is a candidate (if you can even stomach the
> idea :-)
True enough!  :-)

However I'll explain a bit more.

I read the bulk of my mail using mutt via ssh on a remote system where
I have a shell login account.  I use ssh to connect to this system
from work, home, etc.  I get many of the advantages of an IMAP system
by working this way.

The requirement for a GUI client that can use the same mailboxes as
mutt is for mail that I actually send to a different E-Mail address
for collection on my home machine and reading there.  This is mostly
reminders to myself to do things and/or mails with attachments that I
actually want on my home desktop machine.  I want a GUI MUA because
sometimes the attachments are pictures, HTML, etc. that I want to look
at quickly and easily. Yes, I know it can be done with mutt but it's
simpler with a GUI.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)