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SSL and saved certificates

I've got mutt setup to connect via imaps. When mutt starts up, it pulls
the certificate and presents it to me, asking if I want to accept it. I 
have the options: (r)eject, accept (o)nce, (a)ccept always

If I choose (a) it saves the cert in .mutt/certs, says "SSL
connection using TLSv1/SSLv3 (DES-CBC3-SHA)" and then asks for my
password. I give it my password, and I'm in. No problem. Now if I quit 
mutt and then start again, it doesn't ask if I want to accept the 
certificate (this is expected, since I said to accept it always), it 
instead tells me we've got a SSL connection and then asks me for my 
password. Now, now matter how many times I type the right password, 
it wont let me in, I get authentication failures.

If I go and delete .mutt/mutt-certificates, startup mutt, I can login
again. If I just accept the certificate once every time, then I can 
login, but I want to save the certificate and not have to answer that 
question every startup. Whats up with that?

Regards, Tobias

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