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Re: i don't wanna miss any fun headers

On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 10:45:02AM -0500, David T-G wrote:

> So why be lazy?  Why not just ignore only the things you specifically
> want to ignore?  I have

My hooksrc [1] does roughly the same thing, by default:

$ cat /webserver/dave/mutt/muttdir/hooksrc
# ^
# \--- slightly edited and snipped to relevant parts below

message-hook .   'unignore *'
#gunk generated by mailers:
message-hook .   'ignore To: Cc: Message-id: MIME-version: Content-type: 
Content-transfer-encoding: Content-disposition: Content-class: X-Priority: 
X-HotPOP: References: In-reply-to: Thread-topic: Thread-index:'
#gunk generated by Bill's crap:
message-hook .   'ignore X-MSMail-priority: X-MS X-MIMEOLE: Importance:'
#gunk generated by GNUS:
message-hook .   'ignore Lines: X-Face:'
#gunk generated by fetchmail:
message-hook .   'ignore X-Fetchmail-Warning:'
#gunk generated by MTAs:
message-hook .   'ignore Received: Return-Path: Original-recipient: X-Origina 
Delivered-to: Sender: Errors-to: X-AOL-IP: X-Authentication-warning:'
#gunk for Habeas SWE:
message-hook .   'ignore X-Habeas-SWE-'
#gunk generated by SpamAssasin:
message-hook .   'ignore X-Spam-Report:'
#gunk generated by some SPAM filter (?) used in GNUS by
# Evan Prodromou:
message-hook .   'ignore X-AmikaGuardian-'

#Customization for certain people:

#When stuff isn't addressed to me, show some useful headers:
message-hook '! ~C dave ! ~l' 'unignore Delivered-to: X-Origina To: Sender:'

#...and if it's from me, toss all my shit:
message-hook '~P' 'ignore X-GPG- X-Geek-Code: User-Agent: From:'

#I don't care about Todd's PGP headers:
message-hook '~f user@host' 'ignore X-PGP X-Request-PGP:'

#When stuff is to a list, toss all the silly crap, and make me lists@:
message-hook '~l' 'ignore Precedence: Reply-to: X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 
List- Mail-followup-to: X-Mailing-List:'
#...but don't lose the list addy!
message-hook '~l' 'unignore To:'

 - Dave


Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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