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i don't wanna miss any fun headers

hey all,

   lately i have been messing with my .muttrc in regards to ignore,unignore
for included headers.  for awhile i was being somewhat lazy, and just did the

ignore *
unignore X-[various stuff]

this was working fine until i realized that i was missing some good stuff,
people mispelling their headers and others using different formats of
X-OS-[..], X-[GPG/PGP]-[keystuff], etc.  i was kinda just hoping that some of
you could post your ignore/unignore's for us to look at, and see what others
on the list are using.  i was also wondering if it is possible to do
something similar to: "unignore X-PGP*" to make sure that you don't miss
anything that interests you in the headers.  thanks.

btw, one of my favorite ones to look for is the X-Message-Flag.  seen any good
ones around?

jacob[at]buildtheb0x.com | 56DE 6C58 C961 BE57 4F1F  EA67 E7E1 BFDF 2106 0288
Time sure flies when you don't know what you're doing.

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