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Re: Again: Background mail composition

hi andrew! hi list-members!

> $TITLE as a command-line argument.  That way, you only need one program,

done! thanks.

> > BOX=$TMPDIR/mutt-${HOSTNAME}-$$ first did not work - until i did manually 
> > set 
> > TMPDIR=/tmp 
> Oops, I guess TMPDIR is specific to my system. Actually, this brings up

no, that's okay - the mutt-documentation recomends it and i did set in my 
bash_profile _and_ in my muttrc but the system somehow ignores it ...

# set user's TMPDIR
export TMPDIR

# temp-default is TMPDIR or /tmp
set tmpdir=/tmp

however, i did set it in the script, too, as mentioned in my last mail.

> >                - but i am still having the problem, that a new message is 
> > created 
> > instead of replying to the original message. can you tell me, why?
> What do you mean?  Does your new mutt session start with an empty
> mailbox, or is the message you want to reply to in there?

it starts with an empty mailbox - this has to do with the next problem ...

> > what i have noticed, is that when replying the "common way", the temporary 
> > file looks like /tmp/mutt-pablo-2980-126 - what are the last numbers?
> I assume the point of this naming system is to create a filename that is
> reliably unique, even if (say) your temporary filesystem is shared
> between lots of computers.  No two computers on a network can have the
> same name (hence "pablo"), no two programs can have the same
> process ID (hence "2980").  I think the last number is the ordinal
> number of the message in that particular mutt session (so "126" is the
> 126th message you've edited since last opening mutt).

is it possible that this message-ID is missing in your script? or do i just 
to write mutt-${HOSTNAME}-$-$ instead of mutt-${HOSTNAME}-$$ ??? (i'll try.)

> Since a compose.sh session only edits one file, I didn't bother with the
> ordinal number.  Since I'm an idiot, I used ${USER} instead of
> ${HOSTNAME} :)

so $$ is for the PID only? sorry for making that stupid questions. :-)
i also tried ${USER} - however, i realized that ${HOSTNAME} is correct.

> (binding meta-m to it or something).  If you want to have background
> composition from the pager as well, copy all your keybindings but with
> "index" replaced by "pager".

hmm, seems i'm not concentrated enough. :-)
thanks for your help - and this last feature is fine. *g*
it would be great if more people could post their hacks and scripts here, so 
that others don't have to reinvent the wheel. :-)

thank you for your help!!!
>       - Andrew


Pablo Hoertner                       | LONG LIVE THE RED PENGUIN AND THE
http://www.redtux.at.tf/contact.html | SOCIALIST WORKERS' WORLD REVOLUTION!

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