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Re: Hi and Hello

On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 01:30:43PM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> Yes, vim rules :-)  Now prepare for a holy war between the vim-lovers
> (you *are* firmly in our camp, right? :-) and the emacs-lovers.

lol, did i unintentionally open up pandora's box? (yep, i'm on your team) but
really, these holy wars are a dime a dozen - would it be worse if i said:

gentoo rox redhat? 

> Good grief; your window must be huge. 

well thanks for noticing ;)

> What, do you only do one thing at once? ;-)

nnooooo! actually i have this one screen session running on this box in a remote
location that has like 10 'screens' inside it where i '^a+n' all over the 
place.  i
like this since i can connect to it from just about anywhere (and i usually
full-screen my busy window).  let me know if there are other options (can't i
seperate/split these screens into the one window? - getting offtopic here) 

> Since you're using vim, check out textwidth as a complement to
> wrapmargin.

cool, will do

> Most don't have a shell window that's 120 chars wide, either! :-)

hee,.. anyways, want to say that i am glad i joined up with the mutt-users.  a
good-hearted unix group can't be beat, and i love learning new things (actually
encourage the contructive critisism).  i'll keep pluggin along for now, playing
with my .muttrc is fun!

still wondering what all this does:
set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L %?M?(#%03M)&(%4l)? %s"

i have some blank area's on every message (_,0) -- i am wondering if this might
have to do with the colors that i am using since some of the 'thread view'
messages don't appear to have a subject either (or does that just mean it's the
same as above message?) 
