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Re: Sorting of mailboxes

On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 05:05:41PM +0900, Derek Martin wrote:
> Did you, by any chance, upgrade anything else at the same time?  It
> sounds as though your locale settings may have changed.  Check the
> output of the locale command on your system.  In particular, note the
> setting of the LC_COLLATE variable.  [Even if not all of the LC_*
> environment variables have explicity been set, the output of locale
> generally includes them.  The value shown will be as if they have been
> set to whatever value the least specific locale variable (such as
> LC_ALL or LANG, for example) has been set to.]
> The behavior you describe as the one you prefer most closely resembles
> the locale "C" -- the traditional default locale on Unix systems.  If
> it is not already, try setting LC_COLLATE=C in some environment file
> (.bashrc, .profile, etc.).  If it is already set to C, or setting it
> to C does not get you what you want, then I really have no idea what
> else could be the problem.  But, don't forget to export LC_COLLATE!

Thanks exporting LC_COLLATE=C did the trick



There are tides of leadership, rising and falling. Into each Emperor's
reign flow the tides, ebbing and surging.
- Prince Raphael Corrino, Discourses on Leadership in a Galactic
  Imperium, Twelfth Edition