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Re: Sorting of mailboxes

On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 07:44:27AM +0100, Adam Mercer wrote:
> I've just upgraded to mutt-1.5.4 from 1.4.1 and I've noticed a
> difference in the way by mailboxes are sorted. 
> How can I get the mailboxes to be sorted case sensitive?

Did you, by any chance, upgrade anything else at the same time?  It
sounds as though your locale settings may have changed.  Check the
output of the locale command on your system.  In particular, note the
setting of the LC_COLLATE variable.  [Even if not all of the LC_*
environment variables have explicity been set, the output of locale
generally includes them.  The value shown will be as if they have been
set to whatever value the least specific locale variable (such as
LC_ALL or LANG, for example) has been set to.]

The behavior you describe as the one you prefer most closely resembles
the locale "C" -- the traditional default locale on Unix systems.  If
it is not already, try setting LC_COLLATE=C in some environment file
(.bashrc, .profile, etc.).  If it is already set to C, or setting it
to C does not get you what you want, then I really have no idea what
else could be the problem.  But, don't forget to export LC_COLLATE!

Derek D. Martin
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