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Re: Sorting mail

René Clerc [rene@xxxxxxxx] asserted:
> * Zbynek Houska <zbynh@xxxxxxxxx> [28-09-2003 12:19]:
> > I wonder is it possible to sort and weed incoming incoming mail
> > using mutt?
> Not really, though there are save-hooks.
> > I have dial-up connection to internet and I'm not able to get procmail
> > working.(I'm not receiving mail by MTA, but rather via pop3). So I
> > wonder if can simply include some rules to do same job from within of
> > mutt?
> I use getmail to retrieve mail from a few pop accounts that I have,
> and getmail feeds the newly downloaded mail into procmail, which then
> takes care of the sorting.  Mutt is a mail reader, not a mail sorter.
I use fetchmail to retrieve mail from many pop3 sources. Until recently some
of these were accessible through dial-up only, but that is incidental. I use
maildrop to process these into folders for mutt to read. It all works very
well, most of the time ;-}



> -- 
> René Clerc                      - (rene@xxxxxxxx)
> MISS, n.  The title with which we brand unmarried women to indicate
> that they are in the market.  Miss, Missis (Mrs.) and Mister (Mr.) are
> the three most distinctly disagreeable words in the language, in sound
> and sense.  Two are corruptions of Mistress, the other of Master.
> -Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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