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Re: Sorting mail

* Zbynek Houska <zbynh@xxxxxxxxx> [28-09-2003 12:19]:

> I wonder is it possible to sort and weed incoming incoming mail
> using mutt?

Not really, though there are save-hooks.

> I have dial-up connection to internet and I'm not able to get procmail
> working.(I'm not receiving mail by MTA, but rather via pop3). So I
> wonder if can simply include some rules to do same job from within of
> mutt?

I use getmail to retrieve mail from a few pop accounts that I have,
and getmail feeds the newly downloaded mail into procmail, which then
takes care of the sorting.  Mutt is a mail reader, not a mail sorter.

René Clerc                      - (rene@xxxxxxxx)

MISS, n.  The title with which we brand unmarried women to indicate
that they are in the market.  Miss, Missis (Mrs.) and Mister (Mr.) are
the three most distinctly disagreeable words in the language, in sound
and sense.  Two are corruptions of Mistress, the other of Master.
-Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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