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Adding extra Re: in Mutt 1.3

I am using mutt 1.3 on my school's machine.
[output of version command:]
Machine hardware:   sun4u
OS version:         5.6
Processor type:     sparc
Hardware:           SUNW,Ultra-2

When I reply to a message that already has an Re: at the front of the
subject, mutt adds an extra Re: infront of it.

after googleing a little bit, I thought the trouble might be with
reply_regexp, so I played around with it a bit - nothing seems to help.

I even tried Sven's
set   reply_regexp="^((aw|antw.?|antwort|re|r e|r?f|si|sv):[ \t]*)*"

(and various paired-down versions of that), as well as (possibly naive)
set   reply_regexp="^([Rr][Ee]:[ \t]*)*"

which actually causes mutt to segfault when I reply to a message
(immediately after I hit the 'r' key).

I looked through known issues and didn't see anything about either of
these problems, although I might have missed it.

Thank you very much,

Mark E. Phair
U.C. Irvine, EE/CS 20??
Harvey Mudd College, Engineering 2003