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Re: converting subject/name charset?

OK, I found the -ja patches for mutt-1.5.4 where assumed_charset
comes from.  I am surprised that the patches are not obviously
easy to find, i.e. it takes some poking around, and a plain search
for assumed_charset traps you in recursive maillist depths.
It would be really useful to add a link to those patches from
the main page, or, indeed it's time to include the patch into
the main tarball, as I found the admissions that assumed_charset
is necessary since the year 2000 (remember Y2K?...)

Now, I have to rethink what's easier, to tweak elinks or find
the ja patch...  It's really annoying to install a stock 1.5.4i
and see it can't stomach assume_charset in muttrc, about which
so much ink is spilled in the list!  Just my $.2...  OK, I got the
final Cyrillics solution, but it's a lot of trouble, and there's
something else in life but reconfiguring your mailer (*gasp*)!
