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Re: charset conversion in text/html

On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 09:55:01AM +0200, Andrei A. Voropaev wrote:
> If you read section 5.3 of manual.txt you shall find there examples how
> charset from the mail can be passed to the viewer. Now it depents on the
> viewer if it can support given charset or not.

Spasibo!  Perhaps you read Russian too with mutt & lynx, so what may be
going on in lynx to give this kind of output:

                         id-iad-`a`i`iu iao\237aaiey:

from windows-1251, when in lynx.cfg, I do set CHARACTER_SET:koi8-r?
This is at the same time when text/plain is properly autoconverted
with mutt to real koi8-r, Cyrillic in shape.
