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Re: charset conversion in text/html

OK, I see that my lynx problem was that the e-mail I received was
under a non-standard form of windows-1251 encoding name, namely
Windows-1251 (with a capital W).  Apparently, lynx does not
uppercase encoding names; setting assumed charset made it work,
but is still unsatisfactory for generality.  I looked all over
lynx.cfg and did not find a suitable equivalence statement for
encodings.  I also got w3m, links, and elinks, and it's not at all
obvious how to find and set any configuration options there.  Same
with lynx, where even having a per-user config is kludgy if you
want to preserve the system-wise one...  Just proves my point
that it would be easier and better to convert first, de-html-ize
second -- you can have an explicit set of equivalent encodings
and preferences all in your mutt config then, and swap viewers
for better table rendering or the fad of the day.
