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Re: [OT] key server is a great place for spammers?

Re: Re: [OT] key server is a great place for spammers? [Jacek Wojaczynski 
<kocurek@xxxxxxxxx>, Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 12:43:47PM +0200, 
> Isaac Claymore wrote:
> > Is it possible to inform the key server not to show my email address
> > when people are searching it? Or, am I just overly paranoid on this ;)

No. Anything you sent to the keyserver will be there forever. Actually
that's a feature, so noone can request your key (= your identity) to be
removed. Email addresses are usually part of the uid, but you are free
to leave it out.

> I've added it (using adduid with gpg). Then I wanted to send this to
> keyserver... I used "gpg --send-keys kocurek" command. And now:
> http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=kocurek%40zuzel.org&op=index
> if you click on a kocurek@xxxxxxxxx or kocurek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx address
> I get funny-looking list of 4 addresses, all have the same keyID.
> Did I do anything wrong?

These are signatures, uids and subkeys. Have you looked at any other
key? Then it will become obvious.

Christoph Berg <cb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Wohnheim D, 2405, Universität des Saarlandes, 0681/9657944

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