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Re: where can I find info about collapse-all

Hi Rene,

Sorry for not noticing this the first time but I now see that everything
works as it should. What's actually happening is that threads which
contain unread messages are not getting folded. I'm researching this now
and think I'll be able to find an answer :)


Ren? Clerc (rene@xxxxxxxx) wrote:
" Hi Adam,
" * Adam Kosmin <akosmin@xxxxxxxxxx> [06-09-2003 21:13]:
" > Using 1.5.4i, I see that <ESC>V I should be able to collapse all threads
" > but this isn't working as expected. Is this feature incomplete? Also, I
" > can't seem to find any information about it in 'man muttrc' or by
" > looking in the HTML manual up on mutt.org
" The feature works perfectly over here.  You won't find it in 'man
" muttrc' because it isn't a muttrc directive, it's a function.  It is
" mentioned in the manual, section 2.3
"   http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/manual-2.html#ss2.3
" What problems are you experiencing using the feature?
" HTH,
" -- 
" Ren? Clerc                      - (rene@xxxxxxxx)
" Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty without taking off
" your shoes.
" -Mickey Mouse

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