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Re: handling very large mailboxes

On Sun, 31 May 2009, James wrote:
> Bill,
> What do you have your $mail_check set to?
> If I set it to something rather low (15), mutt becomes extremely slow.

This is the relevant portion of my muttrc

# activate TLS if available on the server
set ssl_starttls=yes
# always use SSL when connecting to a server
# set ssl_force_tls=yes
# Don't wait to enter mailbox manually
#unset imap_passive
# Automatically poll subscribed mailboxes for new mail (new in 1.5.11)
set imap_check_subscribed=yes
# Reduce polling frequency to a sane level
set mail_check=300
# And poll the current mailbox more often (not needed with IDLE in post 1.5.11)
set timeout=300
# keep a cache of headers for faster loading (2.5.9+?)
set header_cache=~/.mutt/cache/headers
set message_cachedir=~/.mutt/cache/bodies
set certificate_file=~/.certs
set message_cache_clean=yes
# Display download progress every 100K
set net_inc=100
set read_inc=2000       # How often to update the mailbox reading counter
set write_inc=500       # How often to update the mailbox writing counter

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