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Re: wrong charset

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On Friday, May  8 at 06:08 PM, quoth Luis A. Florit:
>>> But I have three charsets:
>>> $charset=//TRANSLIT 
>>> ?charset=utf-8
>> What? That doesn't make any sense. Are those two lines actually in 
>> your muttrc?
> The only thing in my .muttrc is 'set charset=//TRANSLIT'.

Try removing that from your muttrc entirely.

> But no matter how I change that, the result is always utf-8.

Hmmmm. That suggests that something somewhere else is changing it. Is 
there a systemwide muttrc that's setting the $charset maybe? If you 
tell mutt to use a null muttrc (e.g. `mutt -F /dev/null`) does it 
still say that $charset is utf-8?

> When I do ':set charset' I get 'charset="//TRANSLIT"' (as expected, 
> although in this case it means UTF-8 despite of the fact that my 
> xterm is ISO-8859-1).

What makes you think it means utf-8?

> If I change to iso-8859-1, I get accented characters as \123.

That's because your $charset doesn't match your locale.

In any case, a value of iso-8859-1//TRANSLIT should remedy that.

> I have always used as locale 'LANG=en_US' in a ISO-8859-1 rxvt 
> console, and 'charset=\\TRANSLIT' or iso-8859-1 in muttrc, and 
> everything worked fine. So I don't think this has to do with 
> locales. It seems that mutt does not understand the osso-xterm...?

The terminal shouldn't matter in this case.

Okay, before we get too twisted up here, first, let's make sure your 
locale setup is correct. Since perl is usually sensitive to proper 
locale settings, try doing this:

     perl -e ""

That SHOULD do nothing at all. If it complains, then your locale 
settings are invalid. To prove that it will complain if your locale is 
invalid, try this:

     env LC_ALL=nocharset perl -e ""

That *should* generate a big ugly warning.

But, if perl is happy and mutt with a null config file thinks $charset 
should be utf-8, then your pt_BR locale is set up to only work with 

>> 1. When you run mutt, it reports that the charset it thinks is 
>> appropriate is utf-8
> Yes, if I use 'set charset=//TRANSLIT'

So... don't do that.

>> 2. Nothing you seem to do can convince mutt to avoid utf-8
> No, now it accepts 'set charset=iso-8859-1', but still displays 
> accented characters as \123.

Right. Because the $charset doesn't match the locale environment 
settings (i.e. what your computer thinks the charset should be based 
on the LANG and/or LC_CTYPE variables isn't iso-8859-1 for some 

Hopefully, we're making progress.

- -- 
The next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it.
                                                      -- Frank A. Clark
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
