Re: fixing email dates
* Rocco Rutte <pdmef@xxxxxxx> [2009-04-28 05:02 -0500]:
> It would be nice if you could keep an eye on database file sizes. If
> the db libraries don't reuse freed space (either by deleted or updated
> entries), then we get a growing db file.
I'm running HEAD with your patch, and am running the following commands
at 2330 local every night.
find ~/.mutt/cache/ -iname "*.hcache" -printf "%p %s\n" | sort -u >
~/.mutt/$(date "+%F").hcache
diff -uwd ~/.mutt/$(date -d $(date "+%Y-%m-")$(($(date +%d)-1)) +%F).hcache
~/.mutt/$(date +%F).hcache
I'll review in a few days and see if the header caches for my ham/spam
training folders reduce after I empty them.
dave [ please don't CC me ]