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Re: Compiling mutt for OS X; using SMTP option. What libraries

Just use macports.  Type

$ port install mutt-devel +pop+smtp+ssl+sasl+headercache

to see all the available options you can type

$ port variants mutt-devel

which will give:

mutt-devel has the variants:
        idn: Internationalized Domain Name support
        pop: POP support
        imap: IMAP support
        ssl: Secure Sockets Layer support
        sasl: Simple Authentication and Security Layer support
        debug: Debugging support
        gnuregex: Use the GNU regular expression library
        compress: Compressed folders
        headercache: Enable header caching (requires gdbm or qdbm)
        qdbm: Use QDBM database
        gdbm: Use GNU dbm database
        db4: Use Berkeley DB database
        nntp: NNTP support
        deepif: Allow nested if-else sequences in strings
        date_conditional: Allow the format of dates in the index to vary based 
on how recent the message is
        xlabel: Custom message-tagging - X-Label:
        smtp: Include internal SMTP relay support
        trash: Add a Trash folder
        sidebar: Add a sidebar with a list of folders
        gpgme: Enable GPGME crypto support
        universal: Build for multiple architectures


On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 10:38:06AM -0500, russurquhart1@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to compile mutt to use SMTP. I've used the following  
> configure:
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-curses --with-regex  
> --enable-locales-fix \
>   --enable-pop --enable-smtp --with-sasl --enable-hcache --with-ssl
> $ make
> when i get to the make part, it bombs out looking for sasl.
> My question, what additional applications/libraries are needed? Is this  
> written in any documentation somewhere? Do i NEED fink to do this?
> I'm a somewhat technical tech writer, that would gladly share any info  
> he finds out if someone could help on this!
> Thanks,
> Russ