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Re: Rolling in sidebar, other mutt-ng type bits?

On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 11:31:20PM +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
> So pressing 'c' doesn't bring up next mailbox with new mail?

The answer is maybe -- it depends on what mail folder format you're
using, and also what exactly you consider to be "new" mail.  If you're
using mbox folders, and you've visited a folder that has new mail in
it, then leave, mutt will no longer consider that mail to be new
(regardless of how you have the relevant variables set), and won't
show you that folder again until additional messages are delivered to
it.  By contrast, if you are using maildir, mutt WILL consider that
mail to be new until you've actually read it (and it's therefore been
moved to the "cur" directory of the maildir folder).

But what if you have 30 mail folders that you consider "important"
enough that you want to see if they have new mail quickly?  What if
you don't consider a particular folder important if it has only one or
two new messages in it, but it is important if it has more than a few
new mails in it?  Imagine you receive 2,000+ e-mails per day -- some
personal, from people you know, some delivered via some workflow
management mechanism, and some from non-work technical (Internet)
mailing lists -- and that as many as 500 of those require your
attention within between 5 minutes and 8 hours.  Do you think that 'c'
will cut it?

There's a reason something like this functionality exists in virtually
every successful mail reader written in the last 20 years (excepting
mutt)...  it's useful, and people want it.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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