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Re: Index Column Width

On Sat, Sep 06, 2008 at 03:56:56PM -0500, David Champion wrote:
> > I'm looking for a way to more strictly regulate the width of the columns
> > in the index.  For example, in my current configuration if an email
> > address shows up in my index that is too long to be displayed in the
> > parameters I have set for the From field (25 characters), it overflows
> > into the subject column pushing my column formatting off.  Is there a
> > way to cut off names and addresses that run over?
> %-25.25F
> This is a printf-like string sizing specification.  See the mutt manual
> or man printf for details.  It's the ".25" that makes the difference.
> The first "25" makes it a minimum of 25 characters; the ".25" makes it
> a maximum.  The "-" left-aligns.
> -- 
>  -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx    NSIT    University of Chicago

That's perfect.  Thanks!

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