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Re: ":source ~/.muttrc" command weirdly moves message around in

On Sun 06/15/08 at 09:40 PM -0500,
Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> [...] that "sent" string in the original pattern will also match folders
> named "abSENT" and "SENTimental" and "esSENTial". So it was entirely
> possible that the "sent" string was not redundant, and was actually
> intentional.

Ah.  Definitely.  What you're talking about is finally sinking in.

> >if I want the three folders, "<" "cv" and "dv", all to have
> >the same index format, yes?

> That's still a bad regular expression for that purpose, because it's
> still excessively general. It will match against things like
> "advocacy" and "inadvertent" and "advisor".

Damn.  Of course.

> I suggest, at the very least, that you use something more like this:

>      folder-hook '(<|=cv|=dm)$' 'set index_format="whatever"'

Absolutely.  Though I'm partial to the plus-sign, so I used that
instead of "=".

folder-hook   '(<|+cv|+dm)$'    'set index_format="whatever"'

Thanks for the fine-tuning.

                         // rj@xxxxxxxxx //

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