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Re: Email addresses with spaces

on 05-30-2008, Michael Kjorling wrote:
> On 30 May 2008 10:03 -0400, by ckern1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Clayton Scott Kern):
> > tha spaces with underscores.  Thus, it's procmail that's creating the
> > From_ line with the spaces, so that gives me a place to start.  I'll see
> > what I can do to have procmail either properly quote the return address
> > or keep the underscores provided by getmail.  Another option is to look
> > at maildrop.
> Yet another option would be to use a mail store that does not use the
> mbox From_ lines, such as mh or maildir.
> I know for a fact that using maildir works very well, with the caveat
> that it uses a lot of small files (due to its design).
> -- 
> Michael Kj??rling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
> * ..... No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings ..... *
> * ENCRYPTED email preferred -- OpenPGP key ID: 0x 758F8749 BDE9ADA6 *
> * ASCII Ribbon Campaign: Against HTML mail, proprietary attachments *

Changing to maildir is an idea.

I use to use nmh, with exmh as the front-end.  As you said, there's alot
of files and I use to be a packrat.

Lots of ideas to mull over.

Clayton Scott Kern
ckern1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx              |  The software stated it required 
Firewall/UNIX System Administrator |  Microsoft Windows 98SE or higher,
Cisco ASA/PIX, FreeBSD & Linux     |  so I installed FreeBSD