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Re: How to erase already defined mailboxes ?

> > I'm having many mailboxes receiving mail. Many mailinglists, so I'm
> > getting mail all the time. It can get quite disturbing. I was thinking
> > that I would define list of "core mailboxes" and list of "all
> > mailboxes". At the morning I would switch on "all mailboxes" and read
> > everything. Then I would switch to "core" and I wouldn't be disturbed by
> > not so important mails. During day I could switch back and forward
> > between those. Can I achieve this without restarting mutt, ie. can I
> > empty the currently defined mailboxes ?

> A simple approach would be to use "mail notification" (aka
> "mailnotify") to alert you (via tone or icon) to the fact that mail
> has come in to the "core" boxes.  When you move the mouse pointer to
> the mailnotify icon, a temporary window opens, displaying the From
> header and the Subject line of each unread message.

I like not to be disturbed at all, so no notification. I just check my
mail when handy and don't want to be overwhelmed by not so important
lists during day.

Moreover my workspace is usually single terminal window fullscreen (no
borders, no icons) and usually my window manager is not able to display
icons (through I run Gnome for now).

But it's true, that I would like to work on some sort of notification
system, which could be used by mail, instant messaging, when some random
task finishes (long build?), etc. Thing is that I am usually logged onto
different machines (having ssh to my home computer and screen running
there). This notification system should follow me from terminal to
terminal. If someone has some similar solution, I am curios how he done
that :)

Thank you


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