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Re: Howto debug problems with an imap server?

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On Wednesday, March 12 at 08:23 PM, quoth Andreas Pakulat:
> I'm trying to use mutt here with the imap service from 
> archiveopteryx and for some reason mutt stalls when I change the 
> mailbox from the inbox to some other after waiting a few seconds. So 
> I often can open another box if I'm fast, but the second or third 
> try completely stalls. There's no error message displayed in mutt 
> and looking at the network traffic I can't see anything from mutt 
> either (though I'm not really familiar with the imap protocol).
> So how can I debug this further? The server works fine when I use kmail 
> and the same mutt version, with almost the same configuration on another 
> machine, works fine against a dovecot imap service.

Mutt has a debug mode (mutt -d2), assuming you compiled it with debug 
support. That will tell you what it's doing in ~/.mutt_debug0, and you 
can see the IMAP commands that mutt sent and received in there.

What it sounds like to me is that mutt is using some feature of IMAP 
(probably IDLE) that archiveopteryx can't handle. Try setting 
imap_idle=no. You may also want to increase some of your timeouts---if 
doing so increases the amount of time you have before the network 
stalls, that will tell us what mutt might be doing that causes the 
network stall.

- -- 
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that 
                                              -- Martin Luther King Jr.
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
