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Re: problems with Maildir, procmail, getmail

On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 10:53:55PM +0000, Jamie Griffin wrote:
> I think i might have some problems with Maildir:

Did you check the Wiki http://wiki.mutt.org/?MuttFaq/Maildir? That helped me to
set up everything.

> I've got the Maildir directory, with the require cur.tmp,new sub directories.

You souldn't need cur, new, tmp in ~/Maildir but only in your mailboxes
(IN-inbox, ...).

> Then i've got IN-inbox (spoolfile) and its sub-directires inside ~/Maildir.

As I said, you should

    set spoolfile=~/Maildir

> drwx------ 11 jamie jamie 4096 2008-03-09 21:52 .
> drwxr-xr-x 39 jamie jamie 4096 2008-03-09 22:36 ..
> drwx------  2 jamie jamie 4096 2008-03-09 15:25 cur
> drwx------  5 jamie jamie 4096 2008-03-09 21:52 Drafts
> drwx------  5 jamie jamie 4096 2008-03-09 15:26 IN-inbox
> drwx------  5 jamie jamie 4096 2008-03-09 15:26 IN-mutt-dev
> drwx------  5 jamie jamie 4096 2008-03-09 15:26 IN-mutt-users
> drwx------  5 jamie jamie 4096 2008-03-09 15:27 IN-ubuntu-users
> drwx------  2 jamie jamie 4096 2008-03-09 15:25 new
> drwx------  5 jamie jamie 4096 2008-03-09 15:57 Sent
> drwx------  2 jamie jamie 4096 2008-03-09 15:25 tmp
