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Re: Procmail

* Rem P Roberti <rem@xxxxxxxxxx> [2007-10-09 16:37 -0700]:

My thanks again to both of you.  Creating my .procmailrc recipe in the
manner suggested by Joseph did the trick.  What I don't understand is
that since the variable MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail exists at the beginning of
.procmailrc why is it necessary to state the full path to the target mailbox in
the recipe?

MAILDIR by itself isn't special in procmail. You usually set it so that
you can use it in your delivery recipes:

# mutt-users
* ^TO.*mutt-users

(It's worth looking at the ^TO macro in the procmailrc manpage, btw.
If you're going to be using procmail, that one and procmailex are the ones to read. Very good stuff there.)

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California