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Re: mutt displays triplicate list entries for gnome development mail archive file

On Thu 2006-12-14 08:51:04 -0800, m laks wrote:
> Now I have downloaded some archives of gnome/gtk
> development forums, such as
> gtkmm or gtkglext. now when i open the files (ie.
> either before or after gunziping them - mutt just
> reads these mail files), the individual entries in the
> list appear to be duplicated - even though when I open
> the file in emacs they clearly just have one copy of
> the letter in the file - mutt makes believe there are
> 3 copies of the letter.
> Why 3 copies? I would rather prefer to see only 1 :).

I only see two of each email.
> here is a typical url to find any of these files.
> the url is at the location
> mail.gnome.org/archives/gtkglext-list/2006-July.txt.gz
> as you look at the file - no triplicates.
> mutt - 3 copies of each letter ????

There are duplicates, two of each message.  Count the Message-Id:s

David Hart <list@xxxxxxxxx>