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Re: wich settings for using firefox with mutt ?

On Sat, Dec 02, 2006 at 05:22:50PM +0100, mess-mate wrote:
> Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> | On 21Nov2006 00:36, Bob Proulx <bob@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> | | mess-mate wrote:
> | | > Bob Proulx <bob@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> | | > | > |   /home/mes-mate/firefox/firefox /tmp/somehtmlfile.html
> | | > | Is mozilla launched when you try the above?
> | | > YES.. firefox is launched, also when mozilla  is running;
> | | 
> | | You say yes that mozilla is launched when you invoke firefox which
> | | says that this cannot be related to mutt or to mailcap.  It must be
> | | the firefox wrapper script.  Don't you agree?
> | 
> | Both the firefox and mozilla wrapper scripts probe for a running
> | mozilla/firefox, and if it's there will just ask that to open a new
> | window.
> | 
> | Turn turn off this annoying behaviour you can set the environment
> | variable MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1. So:
> | 
> |   env MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 /home/mes-mate/firefox/firefox /tmp/somehtmlfile.html
> | 
> | Should do the trick.
> | --
> Thanks Cameron,
> but I give-up. Can't get firefox running from mutt, even if i
> removed (de-installed) mozilla.
> That export MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 has no effect.
> Mutt WANT mozilla or konqueror, no other x-browser, nor opera nor
> amaya, even if i setted the 'alternatives' the right way, even if i
> setted 'export BROWSER=/home/mes-mate/firefox/firefox', even if i
> linked firefox to /usr/local/bin..:(
> mess-mate

I use   links   to display the the page
You can try the following in your mailcap definitions
The following do not have breaks in the line, please type them out as a 
single line.  My editor defaults to 72 characters per line.

text/html; links -driver x -force-html %s; description=HTML 

or off the top of my head...try one at a time.

text/html; opera -remote openURL(%s)

text/html; opera %s

text/html; firefox -a firefox -remote 'openURL(file://%s, new-tab)' ; 

text/html; firefox -remote %s || firefox %s

text/html; opera -remote 'openURL(%s,new-window)' || opera %s&

text/html; opera -remote 'openURL (%s)' || opera %s

I have used, in the past, firefox and opera without any problems.
I hope this helps.

FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE i386