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Re: Display problems in OS X Terminal.app

On Nov 24, Michael Williams <williams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm having redraw problems in OS X's Terminal.app, and would welcome
> suggestions or solutions. The screen looks something like this:
>   http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/8136/picture4pf3.png
> My environment is XTERM=xterm-color and TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION=133. mutt
> is linked against ncurses 5.4 and libiconv 1.9. I've read this thread:
>   http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.mail.mutt.user/25815/
> but I'd like to take advantage of the various bells and whistles
> provided by Terminal.app. Has anyone got mutt working well in
> Terminal.app without these problems, or are we to assume there is a bug
> with Terminal.app?

As I wrote in the mutt-users thread you're referring to, I no longer
have any redraw problems running mutt in Terminal.app, so there
shouldn't be any problem with Terminal. The problem went away after a
fink update-all. One difference that I notice between my environment
and yours is that I have libiconv 1.10, you have 1.9. You could start
there. I too have ncurses 5.4 and TERM=xterm-color.