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Re: Mailboxes vs. file browser sort order

On Thu, Oct 05, 2006 at 12:06:39PM +0200, Rado S wrote:
> =- John J. Foster wrote on Wed  4.Oct'06 at 17:41:16 -0400 -=
> > Is there any mechanism for leaving the Mailboxes screen
> > unsorted, while sorting the file browser "alpha"?
> RTFM various "sort*" variables, if F1 is not captured by your
> X/wm, press and read it. ;)
Rado - thanks so much for your response. Perhap you could elaborate on
which "sort*" variable will accomplish what I want. I currently define
my mailboxes as follows

mailboxes \
        =FastMail/INBOX \
        `cd ~/Maildir; \
            find FastMail -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d \
            ! -name INBOX ! -name Trash ! -name sent !
            -name Read ! -name Drafts \
            -printf "+%p \n"|sort|tr -d '\n' `

This allows me to _always_ have FastMail/INBOX on top, followed by a
sorted, dynamically created listing.  I looked in TFM, and the only
setting I "thought" might help was

set sort_browser=alpha

which does in fact sort the file browser alphabetically as wanted. But
it also sorts mailboxes alphabetically, which I don't want. 

In all the millions of years dinosaurs roamed this planet, did any of
them feel the need to invent, say, nuclear weapons?           Mickeyz

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