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Re: Poll: vars naming scheme, some answers

[=- Jack Bertram wrote on Fri  2.Jun'06 at 18:53:14 +0100 -=]

> My comment wasn't intended to be personal; I apologise. I know
> you'd said sorry, and I had read all your email.

Oh ... I'm sorry again for this mistake, it wasn't clear to me,
and since I was the only one that _mistakingly_ could have been
considered shouting ... I know _normally_ it is considered
shouting, but I re-defined it for this exceptional case.

No worries then. Oh, and thank you for reading. :)

> I was just making the point that most people respond better to
> arguments written without capitalisation, etc, in which they see
> their points accepted and reflected.

If only people cared to read, then it wouldn't have been

> Frustration (and I know you're frustrated by the reception
> you're getting!) doesn't come across well!

I'm not frustrated, just out of ideas how to convey simple
instructions. Of course I'm out of luck when people deliberately
ignore anything not being spoonfed.

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