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Poll: personal convenience vs. global improvement of docs

Moin moin fellows,

we need your vote to learn whether _you_ (personally, individually)
are willing to accept
        a major (single) change of your personal muttrc
in favour of improved docs support for newbies by introducing
        a muttrc variables naming scheme.

Since a possible outcome definitely would affect everyone, this
means _you_, too, do yourself a favour and cast your vote.
Ideally we'd like you to make a well reasoned vote by inspecting
all pro and contra arguments and decide only then for yourself.

If you absolutely don't care for any reasons (for either side),
then please at least cast your unreasonend "gut feeling" vote, so that
not the opinion of just a few people hurts "the silent mass" (you).

In that case go diretly to the voting page, read the voting
instructions and vote "I don't care either way".


This project would change most of currently present variables'
names and therefore require a (single) change of your muttrc when
you upgrade to a version with the changed names.

I've collected a list of categories to be used as prefixes
together with some name changes for more intuitive use.
You can review and _edit_(!) the list for better suggestions:


There a 3 links on this page.

has the actual list.

keeps track of your choice, along with a comment if you like to
express why you chose as you did.

carries all so far accumulated contra naming scheme reasons and
counter- arguments, which either completely negate or mostly
invalidate them. It's up to you to decide how much this is true.
This has been gathered from discussions about the issue with
several different people.
Please add more pro or contra to that page as you see fit or state
it here on the mailing list or by private eMail. I'll add it then.

The main contra reason is that it would break the muttrc of all
current users, and this would be too much a cost to pay.
I don't ask you to ignore the current user base.

However, whether you personally as part of the current users
accept the cost for newbie users is the very subject of this poll
to find out.  So, you decide for yourself.
But see also the replies to this main and other arguments.

This CfV has been posted to mutt-dev + mutt-users mailing lists
and comp.mail.mutt usenet newsgroup.
If you know of other groups, pass it on. It potentially affects
every user, so the more participate the better.

Thank you for your time.

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
Even if it seems insignificant, in fact EVERY effort counts
for a shared task, at least to show your deserving attitude.