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Re: home and end keys not working

* Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> :
> On Thursday, March  9 at 10:56 AM, quoth Troy Piggins:
> >As far as I can tell, my home and end keys are bound to first and
> >last entry commands, but hitting the keys I get an error "Key not
> >bound".
> Chances are, you and your terminal disagree about what key-code the 
> home and end keys should be sending.
> For me, the home key is ^[[H (as revealed by control-v), and mine 
> works. This may be goofed up if, for example, you access mutt through 
> some goofy terminals (for example, if you use putty to connect to 
> another machine).
> You may be able to work around this by editing your muttrc, and 
> adding:
> bind index ^[[H first-entry
> That goofy-looking part (or something like it) should be what shows up 
> when you press control-v and then press the home key.
> If that works, then you can fix the rest of your keys in a similar 
> fashion.

That did it.  Thanks Kyle.

bind index ^[[1~ first-entry
bind index ^[[4~ last-entry

Troy Piggins
Ubuntu 5.10  pkgs : kernel 2.6.12-9-386, postfix 2.2.4, procmail 3.22
Compiled from src : slrn (score_color patch), mutt 1.5.11i
                      vim 6.4