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Re: freebsd, mutt, unicode

On 2006-01-17 at 05:00 +0000, mal content wrote:
> I've followed the unicode FAQ on the mutt wiki but I still can't seem to
> get mutt to handle UTF-8 message.

> The message should read (apologies to non UTF-8 users):
> Где ресторан, нравиться?

On FreeBSD, using mutt linked against system ncurses this works.  I
think that libslang1 doesn't support UTF-8 without a special patch.

Tested by logging onto a FreeBSD 5.4 box with X11 forwarding, setting
LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 and exporting, double-checking with
"locale charmap" that I had UTF-8, running "urxvt &", double-checking
inside that terminal that locale was still set correctly, and then
starting mutt.

This box has mutt- linked against ncurses 5.2.  The X server is
running on Gentoo/x86 with UTF-8 enabled.  ":set ?charset" shows

Testing again on local display (thanks, boss) I found that you need to
have the locale set correctly _BEFORE_ starting urxvt.  If I start an
urxvt from a non-UTF-8 locale, then urxvt rendered the Russian very
strangely, picking incorrect characters from what seemed to be the
normal Latin9 locale on the system.

If urxvt is started when "locale charmap" says UTF-8 (and then set that
stuff again inside the urxvt if your shell startup resets the locale
variables) then it renders your Russian fine.

(At least, I assume it's fine.  It looks cyrillic to me, but I don't
read Russian).

I also have a vague memory that when I had a FreeBSD workstation, I had
to install Markus Kuhn's modified fixed font, to support UTF-8.  See:
I don't know if that was already done on this system.
I am keeping international relations on a peaceable footing.
You are biding your time before acting.
He is coddling tyrants.
 -- Roger BW on topic of verb conjugation