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Re: Distinguishing spam [was: Editing headers of saved messages]

* On 2004.06.26, in <20040627032147.GL880@xxxxxxxx>,
*       "bdamm-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <bdamm-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This brings me to another topic.  I've been using X-Label to add some
> visual info to emails.  Email that is possibly spam gets labeled with
> "--", and definite non-spam gets ":)".  This is then displayed in the
> index, so I can instantly see what might need my attention, and what can
> wait.
> I'd like to use X-Label for other purposes, like the labeling being
> discussed.  So what are folks doing to distinguish spam?

You might try the generic spam detection patch I wrote in February.
Thomas has said that he'll consider it for inclusion in future mutt
releases, but that depends on my revising it in a few particular ways.
I'm rather behind on this, but I do intend to revisit it, so your
comments are very much appreciated. I notice that you're running 1.3,
though -- you might need to upgrade, as I've not tested this on anything
earlier than 1.5.6.

I've put the patch on the web here:

And you can look at my introductory post (to mutt-dev) here:

 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx                                  NSIT::ENSS
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        No pass, no graduate. No graduate, no job. No job, no money.
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