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Re: japanese text in email body

On Sun, Jun 27, 2004 at 07:08:26PM +0900, Henry Nelson wrote:
> With this mail I am trying charset="euc-jisx0213".  I wonder if you can see

Still this setting.  (Which, however, is unacceptable because status-line
messages now are all shown as a string of question marks.)

> this left-pointing double angle quotation mark ("<<"): "≪"?  (This mail
Wonder if we are getting close to a solution.  This double-width quote mark
"≪" is now visible in my editor, nvi, as I compose this reply, but not in
Mutt.  In Mutt, it displays as "\242\343".

> With charset="euc-jisx0213" the "≪" included a in your private mail
> shows up as "\251\250".

Why "\251\250", and in this mail "\242\343"?  Not the same character?

henry nelson
 | day job: | http://yuba.kcn.ne.jp/biorec/nehan/henken.html