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Re: fix quoting

On 2004-06-25, Eduardo Gargiulo <ejg-mutt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all
> When I reply messages from mutt, the character inserted in quoted text (">")
> appear joined with the text, I mean witout a blank space between the character
> ">" and the first character of the text. I would like to configure mutt to add
> that space, is it possible? How could I set it up?

Does this happen when you reply to any message, or just when you
reply to messages that have "format=flowed" in the Content-Type
field of the message header?  If it happens when you reply to
messages _without_ "format=flowed", then I would check the
indent_string value as others have suggested.  If it happens when
you reply to messages _with_ "format=flowed", then the only way I
know of to configure mutt to add that space is to apply the
patch- patch I wrote a while ago to fix
just that problem and which I posted to the mutt-dev list.

> Another issue I would like to fix, is that when I hit 'gqpi' to fix quoting,
> the right margin of the quoted text is aprox 6 or 7 characters long. How could
> I configure mutt to handle this margin?

As others have said, this an editor issue, not a mutt issue.  What
do you mean by "handle this marging?"  If you want to change the
margin used by vim, use vim's help facility to find out about the
'tw' and 'wm' options:

    :help tw
    :help wm

There are several ways to set vim options when editing e-mail, if
that's what you want to do.  One way is to define the 'editor'
variable within your muttrc file:

    set editor="vim -c 'set tw=72'"


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   | Wireless Division
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ | Spokane, Washington, USA