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* On 2004.06.25, in <20040625194135.GB8972@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
*       "Sami Samhuri" <sami@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > 
> > > I thought these lists were made so people can post their questions and 
> > > those
> > > who would like to respond do so? Maybe I am wrong....
> Indeed they are. However, there are different lists for different topics
> just as with newsgroups. Would you post this same message to a Mutt
> newsgroup, or a Procmail one? Where do you think you would get better
> answers from?

I think it's fine to leave that to the poster's discretion. Sometimes
posting a filtering question to a mutt list leads to some interesting
approaches or discoveries, not just for the poster, but for others
as well. If you're not interested, stop reading the thread and don't
respond. Certainly don't pummel the poster. Svenning is no fun for
anyone but the svenner.

I wouldn't want to get into extensive discussions of, say, Mozilla
here. And the long threads on how to do this or that quirky thing in
vim get boring fast for those of us who don't love vim. But if it's
mail-related, it *can* be mutt-related. Just please use discretion, and
don't let it get out of control, or flag it as such when it does.

I guess I already don't read all posts to this list, so maybe that
colors my attitude here. If I felt I needed to read it all, it might be
more bothersome.

 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx                                  NSIT::ENSS
        No money,  no book.  No book,  no study.  No study, no pass.
        No pass, no graduate. No graduate, no job. No job, no money.
             T h e   U n i v e r s i t y   o f   C h i c a g o