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Re: Mutt + Maildir

                On Fri, Apr 16, at 11:37PM, Aaron wrote:
| What is the absolute bare minimum of config options for environment
| variables and .muttrc quadoptions to make Maildir work? This is what I
| have currently that seemed like the best bet:
| set folder=~/Maildir
| set spoolfile=+INBOX
| set mbox_type=Maildir
| mailboxes =Maildir

This is what I have: When I fire it up, it startes me out in ~Maildir/
and I sleect my folders from there... Note that I have the maildir
hashing patch as well and this is cvs, although I don't think I have any
cvs specific options in here. --Gabe

reset all

ignore *

unignore date from resent-from reply-to to cc subject

hdr_order Date From Resent-from Reply-to To Cc Subject

color attachment yellow black
color body brightyellow black [_a-z\.\$A-Z0-9-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\./\-]+
color body yellow black (https|ldap|news|ldaps|http|ftp)://[_a-zA-Z0-9\./~\-]+
color error brightred default 
color hdrdefault red default 
color header cyan black .
color header brightcyan black ^(From|Subject|Cc|To|Date|Reply-To):
color indicator black cyan
color markers brightcyan default 
color message brightcyan default 
color quoted green black
color search brightred white 
color signature brightblue black
color status yellow blue
color tilde blue black
color tree red black
color underline brightgreen default

unset bounce_delivered
unset confirmcreate
unset confirmappend
unset fcc_attach
unset help
unset move
unset user_agent

set abort_nosubject=no
set abort_unmodified=no
set alias_file=~/.mutt/aliases
set alias_format="%3n %t %-12a  %r"
set ascii_chars
set askcc
set attribution="               On %d, %n wrote:"
set bounce_delivered=no
set date_format="!%a, %b %d, at %I:%M%p"
set default_hook="~C %s"
set edit_hdrs
set envelope_from
set fast_reply
set folder=~/Mail
set from="gabe@xxxxxxxx"
set hdr_format="%Z %3C %{%b %d} %-19.19L (%5c) %s"
set hidden_host 
set hostname="moria.seul.org"
set include
set indent_string="| "
set ispell="/usr/local/bin/ispell"
set maildir_cache=~/.log/maildir.cache
set mbox_type=Maildir
set mime_forward_decode
set pager_stop
set pgp_decrypt_command="gpg -d"
set postponed=+postponed/
set realname="Gabriel Rocha"
set record=+sent-mail/
set reverse_alias
set reverse_name
set rfc2047_parameters=yes
set sort=threads
set sort_browser=reverse-date
set status_format=" [Folder: %f] [Size: %L/%l] [Messages: %?M?%M/?%m%?n? 
total?%?n?, %n new?%?d?, %d deleted?%?t?, %t tagged?] [Host: %h] "
set status_on_top
set strict_threads
set tmpdir=~/Mail/tmp

source ~/.mutt/gpg.rc
source ~/.mutt/keybind

macro index X "| spamassassin -a -r"
macro index S "| razor-report"
macro index H "| sa-learn -a --ham"

mailboxes = +Gabe